The Horsemen continues the saga of the Baxter and Brubaker families with the second generation of individuals. Two Baxter sons enter West Point Military Academy, the third goes into the ministry, and the Brubaker son joins the Texas Rangers. The adventures of the Baxter and Brubakers are chronicled while moving Cree Indians to Canada, fighting in the Spanish-American and American-Philippine Wars, then their involvement with the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I, and their efforts to keep the peace on the Texas-Mexico Border during the Mexican Revolution.
Along the way the story intertwines with real places, events, and people and paints an interesting picture of the transition period between the Horsemen of the Wild West and the military and law enforcement’s transition from horseback to mechanization during the early 20th century. The story reveals the agony and terror of war, the grief and sorrow of the loss of loved ones, and the choices the men made to achieve their ambitions.
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