Bill Shuey spent 20 years in the Air Force, worked as a nuclear quality control inspector, project manager on Lignite power plants, and operated different businesses before retiring completely to devote himself full-time to writing novels and building a reading audience.
Shuey has a unique writing style which allows him to act as an observer of the action that is taking place. He describes what he sees without the use of profanity or explicit sexual descriptions. Also, he manages to throw in some factoids without interrupting the flow of the action. Shuey has traveled in the areas that are mentioned in his books and draws on those visual images when setting a scene.
To date Shuey has written a total of 51 books, with three more in the works and will be published in the next few months. Shuey is an Associate member of the Western Writers’ Association. He is a Robert Hanlon award winner for writing excellence and has written three bestselling western books.
If you are interested in fast moving books which can be read without having to filter out vulgarity, tolerate meaningless fill, and receive a dose of reality in the process, Shuey’s books are for you.
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